Call for Papers

Last year’s HCI2007 workshop focused on HCI for e-learning. This year’s workshop welcomes submissions addressing HCI issues from the full range of technology enhanced learning opportunities. Possible topics include:
  • The design of learning using novel technologies (e.g. VR, AR, mobiles, gaming devices)
  • Design guidelines and patterns for technology enhanced learning
  • Research methods in design, learnability, and use of learning technology
  • Case studies on the learner’s experience of new learning technologies
  • The design of personalised and adaptive learning technology
  • Studies of e-learning tools (e.g. video, quizzes, discussion boards, voting systems)
  • Designing Web 2.0 for learning
  • Designing tangible technologies for learning
  • Designing for lifelong learning, workplace learning, etc
  • Designing for unusual learners, teachers, self-directed learning
  • Designing 'joyful' learning experiences
  • Designing Open Learning Technologies
The workshop intends to attract researchers, designers, and educators interested in understanding good design and the learner's experience of technology. Workshop participants could come from a variety of backgrounds such as HCI, psychology, design, computing and education. The main objective of the workshop is to establish a community of individuals with an interest in this area, allowing a lively exchange of ideas with the aim of supporting the research of the workshop members.

To participate in the workshop submit a position paper describing your work or an issue for discussion (maximum 4 pages).